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Page Contents

  1. Disclaimer
  2. Spreadsheet for calculating potentiometric surface gradient and direction
  3. Compiled fortran programs using simplex optimization for biodegradation kinetics
  4. Excel spreadsheet to calculate and compare approximations of the error function
  5. Excel spreadsheet that performs Monte Carlo simulations on a 3D plume
  6. Excel spreadsheet to assist PVP data processing
  7. Excel spreadsheet to assist with the characterization of granular iron in column tests
  8. Excel spreadsheet for estimating K from grain size analyses
  9. Excel spreadsheet for analyzing flow systems and groundwater velocity from water level data


The software available for download on this page is provided free of charge on an "as is" basis. Users may copy, and distribute the software for free, but they may not sell it. The software comes with no written or implied guarantees and the author accepts no responsibility for any errors or other problems that arise from its use.

To download, right click on the filename and and select 'Save Target as' or 'Save Link as' from the menu.

Spreadsheet for Calculating Piezometric Surface Gradient and Direction
Gradient.xls Description:

Excel file containing a spreadsheet that calculates hydraulic gradient and direction of a piezometric surface or water table head data from up to 20 wells, assuming a planar surface.
Published reference:

Devlin, J.F. 2003. A spreadsheet method of estimating best fit hydraulic gradients using head data from multiple wells. Ground Water, v. 41, no. 3, 316-320.

Compiled Fortran Programs Using Simplex Optimization for Biodegradation Kinetics
Miki.txt Description:

Zip file containing DOS based executables for fitting microbial kinetic data. Download the file and rename it to access the contents. Fitting routines are given for Michaelis Menten kinetics Monod kinetics, logistic kinetics, and more. The routines use simplex optimization for fitting, and a bisection routine to permit the integrated solutions to be solved directly for concentration.
Published reference:

Goudar, C.T., Devlin, J.F. 2001. Nonlinear estimation of enzyme and microbial kinetic parameters from progress curve analysis. Water Environment Research, 73, 260-265.

Excel spreadsheet to calculate and compare approximations of the error function
erfCompare.xlsm Description:

Excel file (XL2010) containing spreadsheets that calculate the error function using 7 different approximations, including the erf function that comes with Excel, compares them against the series expansion approximation and then demonstrates their utility in a transport equation. Instructions for use are given in the workbook.
Published reference:

Devlin, J.F., Brookfield, A., Huang, B., Schillig, P.C. 2012. Using the Domenico solution to teach contaminant transport modeling, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, no. 2, 123-132.

Excel spreadsheet that performs Monte Carlo simulations on a 3D plume
DomenicoFullMonteCarlo.xlsm Description:

Excel file (XL 2010) containing a spreadsheet that calculates and displays 2D plumes using The Domenico Solution. The spreadsheet contains visual basic code that permits the calculation of up to 1000 realizations of the plumes accounting for the uncertainties of up to 5 transport parameters (Co, x-, y-, z-dispersivities, and velocity). Histograms of concentrations at up to 4 locations in the plume are automatically generated. Instructions for using the spreadsheet are given in the file.
Published reference:

Devlin, J.F., Brookfield, A., Huang, B., Schillig, P.C. 2012. Using the Domenico solution to teach contaminant transport modeling, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, no. 2, 123-132.

Excel spreadsheet to assist PVP data processing

Excel file with VBA code to assist with the processing of PVP data collected with a Cambpell Scientific CR1000 data logger. Data from individual channels (PVP detectors) are parsed into columns in individual worksheets, the data fitted with the transport equation to estimate apparent velocities on the probe surface, and the apparent velocities are converted to ambient groundwater velocities in a final summary worksheet. The various steps are interactive and include useful features such as a baseline correction to facilitate data processing. A user manual for the original version (2.2.2) can be obtained upon request from the program author, Peter Schillig.

VelprobePE_MM is an updated version of the VelprobePE and VelprobePE3 programs, programed with Excel 2010. The version posted here (v. 3.1, beta-c, or VeloproMM July 14, 2018) performs the same tasks as the earlier versions, but is programmed with advanced userforms that simplify dataprocessing, including the addition of algorithms for the use of method of moments to estimate tracer velocity from breakthrough curves, and to perform the repair of baselines that suffer from 'jumps' or similar discontinuities and anomalies due to electrical surges in power sources or by natural phenomena. Details of the revisions are listed in the README file accompanying the program.
Published reference:

Schillig, P.C. 2012. VelProbePE: An Automated Spreadsheet Program for Interpreting Point Velocity Probe Breakthrough Curves. Computers & Geosciences, v. 39, 161-170.

Excel spreadsheet to assist granular iron characterization from column tests
BEARKIMPE.ZIP Description:

Excel file with VBA code to assist with the processing of column data for the characterization of granular iron. The zip file contains three files: 1) BEARKIMPE.XLSM, the original spreadheet with VBA code; 2) Inputtestfile.XLSX, containing sample input data suitable for import to BEARKIMPE.XLSM; 3) ExampleBEARKIMPEforFigures.XLSM, containing a worked example of processed data, as presented in the article below.
Published reference:

Firdous, R., Devlin, J.F. 2014. BEARKIMPE: A VBA Excel program for Characterizing Granular Iron in Treatability Studies. Computers & Geosciences, v. 63, 54-61.

Excel spreadsheet for estimating K from grain size analyses












Excel file with VBA code to assist with the processing of grain size curves to estimate hydraulic conductivity according to 15 different methods including those of Hazen, Terzaghi, and Kozeny-Carmen, as presented in the article below.

August 30, 2015, file updated to correct a typo in the equations table. The effective diameter in the Sauerbrei formula should read d17 instead of d10 as appears in the article. The code was correct in the original version.

November 20, 2016, v2.2 released following a a comment and reply in the Hydrogeology Journal. The new version adds the possibility of setting the effective grain diameter equal to the geometric mean diameter from the grain size analyses for the Kozeny, Terzaghi, Slichter and Barr K estimation equations. The effective porosity is also calculated differently in these cases, as outlined in the comment and reply.

May 28, 2017, v2.3 released to correct a missing grain size row in the histogram graphic. v2.3UK released to provide a grain size classification consistent with United Kingdom standards.

November 31,2019, v2.3.2 released to include the Shepherd method.

December 1, 2021, v.2.3.4 released correct a bug in the location of the Hazen method tick mark indicating validity. and a bug in the calculation of dgeometric.

January 19, 2022, v2.3.5 released with a fix on the Report sheet graph and a statement to prevent the "Io" term in the Alyamani and Sen method from becoming negative.

April 19, 2022, v2.3.6 released with a fix on the formula in cell L19, input screen, calculating "Io".

July 1, 2022, v2.3.7 released with a fix on the Shephard criteria display and a cosmetic fix on the grain size distribution graph.

October 27, 2022, v2.3.8 released to increase the number of sieves that can be run from 30 to 100.

April 11, 2023, v2.3.9 released to correct the sign on phi.

March 26, 2024, v2.3.10 released to correct a typo in the computed porosity value, introduced in v2.3.9
Published reference:

Devlin, J.F. 2015. HydrogeoSieveXL : an Excel-based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain size analysis. Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-015-1255-0.

Devlin, J.F. 2016. Reply to "Comment on "HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel-based tool to estimate hydraulic conductivity from grain-size analysis": report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2015) 23: 837-844 by J.F. Devlin", Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-016-1510-z.

Excel spreadsheet for analyzing flow fields and groundwater velocities from water level data
HydrogeoEstimatorXL.xlsm Description:

Excel file with VBA code to assist with the processing of water level data in two dimensions to visualize flow systems and patterns in groundwater velocity across sites. Basic statistics are also calculated, as presented in the article below. v2.2 corrects an error in v2.1 concerning units conversion when working with transects.
Published reference:

Devlin, J.F., Schillig, P.C. 2017. HydrogeoEstimatorXL: An Excel-based tool for estimating hydraulic gradient magnitude and direction. Technical Note in the Hydrogeology Journal DOI 10.1007/s10040-016-1518-4.

Please refer to the Information for Prospective Graduate Students link on the KU Hydrogeology page for additional information about support and how to apply. Contact Cicily Corder with your general questions; her contact information is on that linked page. If you have more specific questions or concerns about any of this information, or your qualifications for graduate school in the KU hydrogeology program here, I would be very pleased to hear from you. Please contact me at your convenience.

Last Updated
April 11, 2023